WooCommerce Custom Product Addons, Custom Product Options


WooCommerce Custom Product Addons, Custom Product Options

WooComerce extra product options plugin lets you add unlimited extra product options by using a variety of field types like text area, text field, upload file, dropdown, checkboxes, multiple select, etc. WooCommerce extra product addons plugin simplifies product customization for the end users.

In addition to product wise options, you can create global options that are attached to selective products & categories. This saves your time as you dont have to create custom options for each product. You can create individual options or multiple set of options and assign them to different products and categories.

Imagine the ability to assign product options to thousands of products in just 5 minutes. The Pizza category can have its own set of options, the drinks category can have its own options, All or each specific shirts type can have their own custom options, etc.

New Features of WooCommerce Product Addons

  • Option to add specific product to sell
  • Option to display options’ price separately or dynamically
  • Option to display fields after add to cart button
  • Don’t display in cart & checkout option with each field
  • Don’t display in order details option with each field
  • New Fields: Number, heading,


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Create Extra Product Options to Sell More

WooCommerce extra product options plugin allows you to create custom product options to let customer select additional add-ons that complements the primary product or enhances its functionality. Select fields type according to the custom option so that users can easily select their preferences.

Add Conditional Fields for Product Options

WooCommerce extra product options plugin let you add conditional fields to create product options. It displays the specific fields when the condition is satisfied.

Replaces Product Image with Selected Addon

It replaces the product image with selected addon image when customers select any radio options.

Price only Once No Matter the Quantity Order

You have the option to charge addons’ price only once, no matter the quantity order or multiply addons’ price by product quantity.


Multiple Input Types for WooCommerce Product Add-ons Plugin

WooCommerce Product addons plugin have a variety of custom options for adding to product pages. You can add a field that best describes a product feature. Following are the available input types for adding custom fields to the landing pages.

  • Text Field – Add a text field to the product page to let the users write one line message. For example, a customer can write initials of his name and spouse name to be embossed on a wedding ring.
  • Text Area – Create a text area option and the users can write multiple lines about a product. if selling a t-shirt, let the users submit a message of multiple lines or other customization instructions.
  • File Upload – Add a file upload option to products so that users can submit a file as an example. For example, a customer wants a dress to be designed as the one they have in a picture.
  • Drop down – Place a drop-down menu to allow users easily select an option they need. For instance, a user can select a preferred color or size of jeans from a dropdown list.
  • Radio button – Showcase product attribute in the shape of radio buttons so that users can select it with a click. It does not require navigating through a drop-down menu.
  • Checkbox – Represent custom options in terms of checkboxes so that your potential customers can tick the features or product add-ons they need. It allows checking multiple boxes.
  • Simple Checkbox – Add a simple checkbox with a single option as it. For multiple rowed options, you can utilize the checkbox option discussed earlier.
  • Multiple Select – Create multiple select options to let the users choose more than one product attribute. For example, a user requires a shirt in black as well as red color, he can select both.
  • Date and Time – Allow users to pick a date and time that is relevant to the product. For example, a gift shop can allow users to select a specific date and time to deliver a present.
  • Color Picker – Create a color picking option that allows your potential customers to shop for a product in their preferred color. You can charge more for specific color selection.
  • Google Fonts – Display an option to select a font type among Google fonts for product personalization. Let your customer design, print, engrave, or paint the product in a font style of their choice.
  • Google Map – With Google map option, you can allow customers to select the location on map to receive the consignment.
  • Range Picker – Create a range for users to pick between a minimum and maximum value. Let them easily select size, or any product attribute with a quick range picker field.

Create and Attach Global Options to Specific Products and Categories

WooCommerce product addons plugin allows you to create global options that can be added to multiple products and categories. This saves a lot of your valuable time. You can create a global add-on rule with a variety of custom options and apply them to selected products or categories.

Follow 3 Steps to Create Global Product Options




Add Product-Specific Options

With WooCommerce extra product options plugin, you can add unlimited options for a product to better showcase its features, attributes, and variety in color, size, design, etc. It allows you to create and customize each option so that users can easily understand and respond their preferences.

Exclude Global Options

WooCommerce product add-ons plugin also enables exclude global option which allow you to overrule the global options attached to a product and create customized one for specific products. It simplifies managing product add-ons.

Enable Price Per Character for Text and Text Area Field

With WooCommerce extra product addons plugin you can also set price per character to charge customers an extra amount for customization a product with the name, initials, or a phrase. Set a price for printing, embossing, or engraving a character for personalizing products like cups, t-shirts, p-caps, cards, etc.

Manage Stock of Product Options

You can also manage the stock of additional product option. It hides the out of stock product options on the product page.

Import and Export Product Options

You can also import and export the product options in CSV file from your e-store.

Additional Features of WooCommerce ExtraProduct Options Plugin

  • Allow certain extensions in file upload options like .pdf, .docx, etc.
  • Select price type as Fixed or Percentage for the custom fields
  • Add custom images to radio buttons and checkboxes
  • Additional price for an add-on appears on product pages
  • Customer data against custom options appear in backend
  • Product custom options are displayed in the customer account as well
  • Product options and replies are shown on cart, checkout, and order confirmation email

1. All digital products are the most recent version, with no possibility of free updates. After payment, you can request an update to the most recent version for 7 days if a new version is released. We free support within 7 days.

2. After the purchase is confirmed, download links will be available for 7 days. If a license is required, please contact us via email or ticket for assistance with activation. Our license is only valid for activation and does not include support.

3. We provide Mobile, PHP script installation services for $19.90. Please create a backup after installation as we do not support re-installation. For mobile app source code, we do not offer installation services.

4. If you have any questions, please contact us by email [email protected] or create a ticket on this page

5. Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. You will receive the original files from the developers. We do not sell any products that have been downloaded from other websites.

6. The response time can last up to 6 hours.