WooCommerce Additional Information Plugin – Product Tabs Manager


WooCommerce additional information plugin allows store owners to add multiple tabs on product pages. This plugin helps store owners to manage the additional product information in a descent way e.g you can display video, reviews, images, etc, in separate tabs. It enables WYSIWYG editor which let you add any type of content, images, and videos. You can create global tabs which are displayed on all the products at once which is a time-saving feature. However, you can exclude the global tabs from the individual product as well. You can add new tabs at the product level as well.


  • Add Multiple Tabs to Manage Additional Product Information
  • WYSIWYG Editor to Customize Product Tabs
  • Add Multiple Tabs at Product Level
  • Create Global Tabs to Display on All Products at Once
  • Option to Exclude Global Tabs from Specific Products


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Add Multiple Tabs to Product Pages

You can add many tabs as you required to professionally manage the additional product information. For example, you can display description, videos, screenshots, guide, etc. in separate tabs, so customers can easily see any type of information by clicking tabs.

WooCommerce additional information plugin

WYSIWYG Editor to Customize Product Tabs

WooCommerce additional information tab plugin enables WYSIWYG editor to customize the product tabs that help you to add content, images, and videos as well in tabs.

WooCommerce additional information plugin - WYSIWYG Editor

Enables Variety of Icons for Product Tabs

WooCommerce additional information plugin also enables a variety of icons for tabs, you can choose the icons which suits your tab well.

WooCommerce additional information plugin - icons

Add Global Tabs to Display on All Products

You can add global tabs to which displays the new tabs on all the products at once. It helps to save your time rather than creating the same tabs separately for all the products.

WooCommerce additional information plugin - global tabs

Add Multiple Tabs at Product Level

WooCommerce additional information plugin also allows you to add product-specific tabs at the product level.

WooCommerce additional information plugin - product specific tabs

Option to Exclude Global Tabs from Specific Products

If you want to remove global tabs from any product then you can easily exclude the tabs as well.

WooCommerce additional information plugin - exclude global tabs

Edit Default WooCommerce Product Tabs

With this plugin, you can also edit default WooCommerce tabs. You can change the title and the icon of default tabs.

WooCommerce additional information plugin - default tabs

1. All digital products are the most recent version, with no possibility of free updates. After payment, you can request an update to the most recent version for 7 days if a new version is released. We free support within 7 days.

2. After the purchase is confirmed, download links will be available for 7 days. If a license is required, please contact us via email or ticket for assistance with activation. Our license is only valid for activation and does not include support.

3. We provide Mobile, PHP script installation services for $19.90. Please create a backup after installation as we do not support re-installation. For mobile app source code, we do not offer installation services.

4. If you have any questions, please contact us by email [email protected] or create a ticket on this page

5. Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. You will receive the original files from the developers. We do not sell any products that have been downloaded from other websites.

6. The response time can last up to 6 hours.