Progress Map, Submit Locations – WordPress Plugin


Progress Map, submit locations is an extension of Progress Map WordPress Plugin. This extension allows you to submit/add locations to the map from the frontend. You can create a form for each of your maps and display the form on the map or anywhere else in your website. The form can be extended by adding new tabs, sections, custom fields and (custom) taxonomies.

There are more features that i’ll let you discover yourself by trying the demo. Enjoy & have fun!

To use this plugin, you must install “Progress Map WordPress Plugin v3”!


05.06.2020 - version 1.9.2

- NEW: Added possibility to add/insert medias in the post content (Fields Settings => Content => Media button?)
23.03.2020 - version 1.9.1

- Fixed an issue where fields without a valid name/id are also displayed in the form causing the layout to break
23.03.2020 - version 1.9

- Fixed an issue where fields without a valid name/id are also displayed in the form causing the layout to break
08.02.2020 - version 1.9

- NEW: Added possibility to display the created custom fields inside the widget "Progress Map: Add locations" of the add/edit post.
- Moved the directory "libs/metabox-cs-file-input" to "Progress Map"!
- Make the extension compatible with the changes made in "Progress Map v5.3" 
20.01.2020 - version 1.8

- Added possibility to use the same taxonomy multiple times in the same form.
15.06.2019 - version 1.7

- Added possibility to exclude and/or include specific terms on taxonomy fields
- Added possibility to hide empty terms on taxonomy fields
- Added possibility to sort the terms on taxonomy fields
- Fixed some issues in the backend fields description
17.05.2019 - version 1.6

- Added some quality improvements required by Envato.
- Make it compatible with the changes made in "Progress Map v4.9".
03.05.2019 - version 1.5

- Updated the library "reCaptcha" to the latest version
- Fixed few CSS issues
05.02.2019 - version 1.4

- Add new hierarchical taxonomy fields
- Added support for Colorpicker field.
- Added missing words to translation.
- Fixed an issue where submitting a new location return a PHP error (Header already sent error).
25.07.2018 - version 1.3

- Make it compatible with "Progress Map 4.0".
16.09.2018 - version 1.2

- Make it compatible with "Progress Map 3.9" 
04.06.2018 - version 1.1

- New: Possibility to change the main colors of the plugin from the plugin settings (Progress map => Customize).

1. All digital products are the most recent version, with no possibility of free updates. After payment, you can request an update to the most recent version for 7 days if a new version is released. We free support within 7 days.

2. After the purchase is confirmed, download links will be available for 7 days. If a license is required, please contact us via email or ticket for assistance with activation. Our license is only valid for activation and does not include support.

3. We provide Mobile, PHP script installation services for $19.90. Please create a backup after installation as we do not support re-installation. For mobile app source code, we do not offer installation services.

4. If you have any questions, please contact us by email [email protected] or create a ticket on this page

5. Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. You will receive the original files from the developers. We do not sell any products that have been downloaded from other websites.

6. The response time can last up to 6 hours.