Biddut – Electricity Services React Next js Template
Biddut – Electricity Services React Next js Template
Biddut – Electricity Services React Next js Template is a modern, clean and professional React Next js template; it comes with a lot of user-friendly and customizable features those will help you to create a robust website to represent your online business. Biddut template is fully responsive, and it looks attractive on all types of screens and devices. Biddut template is the best choice for all electricity services businesses website. If you’re looking for high-quality designed template with more extra features for your electricity services, so Biddut template is the best option for you to release your website within very quick time. Biddut is the perfect solution for any type of Electrical Repair Service company. This React Next js template is specially created for repair, renovation, plumbing, electrical installation, carpentry, decorating, or roofing company business website.
To ensure that it meets your demanding requirements, we have tested our React Next js Template to make sure it adapts itself to any device in which your users are viewing it, whether be it a laptop, mobile, or tablet!
Features Overview
- React js:
React js is a most popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Next js:
Next.js is a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks to create fast web applications.
- TypeScript
TypeScript is a JavaScript version with a few extra features. To provide a more robust interface with your editor, TypeScript extends JavaScript with additional syntax. TypeScript is a scripting language that understands JavaScript and uses type inference to provide advanced capabilities without having to write any more code.
- Bootstrap 5.x Framework:
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- 5 Home Pages :
Biddut template has nice and clean home pages.
- Touch Friendly:
Easy browsing on touch devices.
- 100% Fully Responsive:
What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. tecz template is fully responsive layout for all type of devices.
- 24+ Valid js Files :
React Next js template coded with beautiful and clean codes! Some powerful js files 100% valid standards.
Tecz build with SASS.
Full Features List
- React js
- Next js
- TypeScript
- Based on Bootstrap 5.x
- 100% Responsive
- Flat, modern and clean design.
- Retina Ready.
- Cleaning on-page optimized.
- UX ready.
- Touch Friendly.
- Integrated google maps..
- Typography
- Full UI Kit elements with lots of features
- Clean and commented code
- 5 Home Pages
- 24+ Total Pages
- 24/7 Awesome Support
- Detailed documentation