Additional Custom Product Tabs Plugin – Product Tabs Manager


Before purchasing the product customer look for every small detail about the item which greatly effects the Bounce and conversion rate. To Reduce the Bounce and conversion rate Additional Custom Product Tabs Plugin is a powerfull woo-commerce extension which helps store owner to add every small detail about product in a user-friendly way. This plugin allows the store owner to add videos, screenshots, images, reviews, faqs and many more in separate tabs to increase conversion rate and reduce customer bounce back ratio. In order to help visitors to your WooCommerce site store owners can easily manage the look of tabs to horizontal, accordion and vertical and feel of the tabs to match your store design by using the handful of admin options to customize different colors for the product manager tabs.

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Features Of Aditional Custom Product Tabs Plugin

  • Add Multiple Tabs to Product Pages.
  • Use the custom tabs to add a video embed, Faq, images,Screenshots, product manual and more, quickly and easily.
  • Replaces Traditional WooCommerce tabs with responsive horizontal/vertical tabs and accordions.
  • There is option for global tab. Global tabs allow you to create tabs which will show on all the products.
  • Easily reorder custom tabs by drag ‘n drop and fit your needs.
  • Easily Change the feel of the custom tabs to match your store design.

1. All digital products are the most recent version, with no possibility of free updates. After payment, you can request an update to the most recent version for 7 days if a new version is released. We free support within 7 days.

2. After the purchase is confirmed, download links will be available for 7 days. If a license is required, please contact us via email or ticket for assistance with activation. Our license is only valid for activation and does not include support.

3. We provide Mobile, PHP script installation services for $19.90. Please create a backup after installation as we do not support re-installation. For mobile app source code, we do not offer installation services.

4. If you have any questions, please contact us by email [email protected] or create a ticket on this page

5. Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. You will receive the original files from the developers. We do not sell any products that have been downloaded from other websites.

6. The response time can last up to 6 hours.